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Location: Copyleft/guide/

In-page anchor links vs. bootstrap's fixed navbar

@keynote2k was the first to point out that the in-page anchor links in
the Guide failed to function properly, due to Bootstrap's fixed navbar.

This mixed solution of CSS and Javascript is the best solution I've been
able to come up with for the problem. The CSS solution is obviously
preferable, and is used herein for those anchor id attributes in the
Guide that have no href of their own.

Due to problems with using a pure CSS solution where the anchor includes
both an href and a id attribute. The Javascript solution is specific
for those cases. I took care not to have them both happen at once, as
they would undoubtedly conflict.

I did a inordinate amount of research about this issue. Bootstrap's own
page about the fixed navbar:

doesn't discuss this issue at all, but there is a bug in Booststrap's

which discusses the issue. (However, I don't understand why that bug is
closed, since none of the solutions I implement herein truly solve it).

The most useful page I found regarding this issue is this one:

which offers several pure CCS solutions (each with drawbacks and
advantages). Unfortunately, none of those solutions consider the
question of anchor links that have both href and id attributes, and none
of them work properly in that situation.
# Copyleft and GPL Tutorial Materials

This repository contains various tutorial materials regarding the suite of GNU General
Public Licenses and copyleft (as applied to software).

The primary item of interest is an omnibus book on copyleft that is built
from the comprehensive-GPL-guide.tex file.

You can build this project with the following command:

    $ make

HTML output will be in the public_html directory and a PDF file will be in  comprehensive-gpl-guide.pdf.

You may need to first install texlive, tex4ht and a few other things.  On
Debian-based systems, this command may work as root:

    # aptitude install texlive-full make tex4ht

You can also [download a prebuilt PDF file](

Note the
[canonical repository for this project is on gitorious]( Copies
of this repository on other sites is for informational and backup purposes

## Contributing

Patches to this project are welcome.  Please
[submit a merge request on Gitorious](
If you cannot use that, you can email patches directly to Bradley.  You can
find his email address in the commit logs.