Changeset - e1f07949fe7b
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donaldr3 - 10 years ago 2014-03-21 21:17:19
the gpl
1 file changed with 3 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ but they may not revoke the rights under GPLv2 already granted.

In fact, when an entity looses their right to copy, modify and distribute
GPL'd software, it is because of their \emph{own actions}, not that of the
copyright holder.  The copyright holder does not decided when GPLv2~\S4
copyright holder.  The copyright holder does not decide when GPLv2~\S4
termination occurs (if ever); rather, the actions of the licensee determine

@@ -2043,8 +2043,8 @@ freedom.

While GPL is by default a copyright license, it is certainly still possible
to consider GPL as a contract as well.  For example, some distributors chose
to ``wrap'' their software in an acceptance ceremony to GPL, and nothing in
GPL prohibits that use.  Furthermore, the ruling in \textit{Jacobsen
to ``wrap'' their software in an acceptance ceremony to the GPL, and nothing in
the GPL prohibits that use.  Furthermore, the ruling in \textit{Jacobsen
  v. Katzer, 535 F.3d 1373, 1380 (Fed.Cir.2008)} indicates that \textbf{both}
copyright and contractual remedies may be sought by a copyright holder
seeking to enforce a license designed to uphold software freedom.
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