Changeset - c36b248e01e6
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Denver Gingerich - 9 years ago 2014-11-02 16:54:56
Fix typo in name: "ThinkPengiun" -> "ThinkPenguin"

This typo was introduced when the section was first added, in 5c22a2b.
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -801,13 +801,13 @@ Linux.  A decade later, this situation remains largely unresolved.

% FIXME: expand title, etc.
\chapter{ThinkPengiun Wireless Router: A study in Excellent CCS}
\chapter{ThinkPenguin Wireless Router: A study in Excellent CCS}

This case study does a step-by-step build and installation analysis of  one
of the best Complete, Corresponding Source (CCS) releases we've seen.  The
CSS release studied here was provided for the binary distribution of a
physical product by ThinkPengiun.  The product is the model
physical product by ThinkPenguin.  The product is the model
``TPE-NWIFIROUTER'', a wireless router.

The method of
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