Changeset - a5079818d487
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 19:11:44
Rewrite description of GPLv3~\S6(d).
1 file changed with 15 insertions and 15 deletions:
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@@ -2837,21 +2837,21 @@ code received from an upstream distributor.
%FIXME-LATER: tie back to the discussion of the occasional offer pass along
%             stuff in GPLv2 this tutorial.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

New subsection 6d, which revises the final paragraph of GPLv2 section 3,
addresses distribution of object code by offering access to copy the code
from a designated place, such as by enabling electronic access to a network
server.  Subsection 6d clarifies that the distributor must offer equivalent
access to copy the source code ``in the same way through the same place.''
This wording permits a distributor to offer a third party access to both
object code and source code on a single network portal or web page, even
though the access may include links to different physical servers.  For
example, a downstream distributor may provide a link to an upstream
distributor's server and arrange with the operator of that server to keep the
source code available for copying for as long as the downstream distributor
enables access to the object code.  This codifies what has been our
interpretation of GPLv2.
GPLv3~\S6(d) revises and improves GPLv2~\S3's final paragraph.  When object
code is provided by offering access to copy the code from a designated place
(such as by enabling electronic access to a network server), the distributor
must merely offer equivalent access to copy the source code ``in the same way
through the same place''.  This wording also permits a distributor to offer a
third party access to both object code and source code on a single network
portal or web page, even though the access may include links to different
physical servers.  For example, a downstream distributor may provide a link
to an upstream distributor's server and arrange with the operator of that
server to keep the source code available for copying for as long as the
downstream distributor enables access to the object code.  This codifies
formally typical historical interpretation of GPLv2.

% FIXME-LATER: perhaps in enforcement section, but maybe here, note about
% ``slow down'' on source downloads being a compliance problem. 

% FIXME: where should this go?

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