Changeset - 652ff1928562
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Mike Linksvayer (mlinksva) - 9 years ago 2014-11-16 15:32:41
ultimately is superfluous, fix typo
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -566,8 +566,8 @@ available to subjugate users.  For example:

\item Unfortunately, despite much effort by many in the software freedom
  community to end patents that read on software (i.e., patents on
  computational ideas), they still ultimately exist.  As such, a software
  program might otherwise be seemly unrestricted, but a patent might read on
  computational ideas), they still exist.  As such, a software
  program might otherwise seem to be unrestricted, but a patent might read on
  the software and ruin everything for its users.\footnote{See
  \S\S~\ref{gpl-implied-patent-grant},~\ref{GPLv2s7},~\ref{GPLv3s11} for more
  discussion on how the patent system interacts with copyleft, and read
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