Changeset - 652c24089610
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-11-13 17:53:48
Grammar and wording fix.

I think this sentence was improperly merged together with another one in
a previous commit and therefore needed correction.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -3053,8 +3053,7 @@ section!).  The intent and scope is the same as was intended in GPLv2.
GPLv3~\S6 states the compliance obligations for distributing ``non-source
forms'' of a program (which means any form other than CCS).  As noted in \S~\ref{GPLv3s0}, ``object code'' in GPLv3
is defined broadly to mean any non-source version of a work, and thus
includes not only binaries or executables, non-source
forms therefore include obfuscated, minimized, compressed or otherwise
includes not only binaries or executables, but also obfuscated, minimized, compressed or otherwise
non-preferred forms for modification.  Thus, GPLv3~\S6 clarifies and revises GPLv2~\S3.
Indeed, GPLv3~\S6's CCS requirement under
closely parallels the provisions of \hyperref[GPLv2s3]{GPLv2~\S3}, with changes
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