Changeset - 65179995e9c7
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-11-13 15:52:45
Comment out text that may or may not be useful.

I'm not sure this text is actually useful, so I've commented it out.
1 file changed with 10 insertions and 8 deletions:
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@@ -3887,15 +3887,17 @@ that include copylefted software, and who are most likely to be affected by the
downstream shielding provision, lobbied for the addition of the source code
availability option, so it remains.

% FIXME-URGENT: integrate
% FIXME-LATER: This text is likely redundant and a bit confusing.  Needs work
% to use.

If A takes a patent license from B that benefits A only, rather than A’s
customers or their distributees, A imposes risk from B’s patents on others
that it does not suffer itself. Under many circumstances, this is an
acceptable outcome. If, however, A is the only possible source of the
program, by taking such a license and distributing in reliance on it, A is in
effect helping B to ``take the program private.''
%% If A takes a patent license from B that benefits A only, rather than A’s
%% customers or their distributees, A imposes risk from B’s patents on others
%% that it does not suffer itself. Under many circumstances, this is an
%% acceptable outcome. If, however, A is the only possible source of the
%% program, by taking such a license and distributing in reliance on it, A is in
%% effect helping B to ``take the program private.''


Meanwhile, two specific alternatives to the source code availability option
are also available. The distributor may comply by disclaiming the patent
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