Changeset - 62c0fe86a619
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Denver Gingerich - 9 years ago 2014-11-07 16:11:41
Fix more typos in "Root Filesystem..." section
1 file changed with 3 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -445,8 +445,8 @@ you use this configuration.
This instruction actually goes above and beyond the requirements of GPL\@.
Specifically, the instruction guides users in their first step toward
exercising the freedom to modify the software.  While the GPL does contain
requirements that facility the freedom to modify (such as ensuring the CCS is
in the ``preferred form \ldots for making modifications to it'' form, it
requirements that facilitate the freedom to modify (such as ensuring the CCS is
in the ``preferred form \ldots for making modifications to it'' form), it
does not require that you write specific instructions explaining how
modifications might be undertaken.  This instruction therefore exemplifies
the exceptional quality of this particular CCS\@.
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ kept a
7.2K of text).

Upon competition of the ``make'' process, the investigator immediately found
Upon completion of the ``make'' process, the investigator immediately found
(almost to his surprise) several large firmware files in the ``bin/ar71xx''
directory.  Typically, this step in the CCS verification process is
harrowing.  In most cases, the ``make'' step will fail due to a missing
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