Changeset - 5ffc6153202e
[Not reviewed]
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Mike Linksvayer (mlinksva) - 9 years ago 2014-11-16 16:01:54
Reword mind-reading statements.

Merge requested proposed by @mlinksva has been changed slightly by
@bkuhn because there were changes to the file since the
merge request was submitted that made some of the changes moot.
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ You may also
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## Contributing

Patches to this project are welcome.  Please
[submit a merge request on Gitorious](
If you cannot use that, you can email patches directly to Bradley.  You can
If you cannot use that, you may email patches directly to Bradley.  You can
find his email address in the commit logs.
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