Changeset - 4dcf54510828
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2015-04-03 03:51:35
Gitorious Apocalypse: recovery existing clone

These instructions are simple and I've tested them.
1 file changed with 30 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -279,3 +279,33 @@ request.
   [the mailing list](
   about the merge request.  Include the URL of the merge request in the

## Gitorious Apocalypse Recovery

If you used to contribute via Gitorious, *don't panic*!  We were careful to
transition the project to Kallithea without requiring recloning the
repository.  If you initially did a clone of the main repository (i.e., not
your own clone) all you need to do one of these operations

For Git 1.8.0 or later:

    $ git remote set-url origin
    $ git --set-upstream master origin/master
    $ git --set-upstream-to next origin/next

For any older version of Git:

    $ git remote set-url origin
    $ git config branch.master.remote
    $ git config

(If you renamed the gitorious remote to a different name, replace "origin"
with the name you used.  If you previously followed the workflow instructions
above, yours is probably called "guide-official", or "tutorial-official",
rather than "origin").

It's really that simple!

If you had a clone on gitorious, you have a bit more work to do, but feel
free to create a clone on and push any branches you care about
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