Changeset - 30efea65795f
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donaldr3 - 10 years ago 2014-03-21 21:34:08
the gpl
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -2305,7 +2305,7 @@ GPLv2 included a defined term, ``work based on the Program'', but also used
the term ``modify'' and ``based on'' throughout the license.  GPLv2's ``work
based on the Program'' definition made use of a legal term of art,
``derivative work'', which is peculiar to USA copyright law.  However,
ironically, the most criticism of USA-specific legal terminology in GPLv2's
ironically, most criticism of USA-specific legal terminology in GPLv2's
``work based on the Program'' definition historically came not primarily from
readers outside the USA, but from those within it\footnote{The FSF noted in
  that it did not generally agree with these views, and expressed puzzlement
@@ -2380,7 +2380,7 @@ but it also makes clear that, under the copyright laws of a given country,
Thus, propagation is defined by behavior, and not by categories drawn from
some particular national copyright statute.  This helps not only with
internationalization, but also factually-based terminology aids in
developers' and users' understanding of GPL\@.
developers' and users' understanding of the GPL\@.


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