Changeset - 2eb7082e682b
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-10-25 06:56:11
Rework first paragraph
1 file changed with 7 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -804,8 +804,13 @@ Linux.  A decade later, this situation remains largely unresolved.
\chapter{ThinkPengiun Wireless Router: A study in Excellent CCS}

This case study discusses one the best source code releases we've seen, which
was provided alongside the ThinkPengiun TPE-NWIFIROUTER.  The method of
This case study does a step-by-step build and installation analysis of  one
of the best Complete, Corresponding Source (CCS) releases we've seen.  The
CSS release studied here was provided for the binary distribution of a
physical product by ThinkPengiun.  The product is the model
``TPE-NWIFIROUTER'', a wireless router.

The method of
distribution (complete source accompanying the product) and the way the source
was laid out provide very good examples of how to make things easier for both
the distributor and the purchaser of the hardware containing GPLed components.
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