Changeset - 2c4923c70fb1
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Denver Gingerich - 9 years ago 2014-10-25 23:49:47
Add firmware comparison section showing steps used
1 file changed with 35 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -930,6 +930,41 @@ mips-librecmc-linux-uclibc-gcc.bin: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not fou

% FIXME: add more details once install tests have been completed

\section{Firmware Comparison}

To ensure that the CCS did indeed correspond to the firmware that was shipped on
the router, we compared the firmware image that we built using the above steps
with the filesystem we found on the device itself.  The comparison steps we used

* Extract the filesystem from the image we built by running
  from on
  librecmc-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr841n-v8-squashfs-factory.bin from the bin/ar71xx
  directory mentioned above (we noticed that our router said "Ver:8.2" on the
  bottom).  Then run squashfs4.2/squashfs-tools/bat-unsquashfs42 from
  bat-extratools (at )
  on the resulting morx0.squash and use the filesystem in the new squashfs-root
  directory for comparison.
* Login to the web interface (at ) from a computer that is
  connected to the router.
* Set a password using the provided link at the top (the UI warns that no
  password is set and asks the user to change it).
* Login to the router via SSH, using the root user and the password we just set.
* Compare representative directory listings and binaries to ensure the set of
  included files (on the router) is similar to those found in the firmware image
  we created (whose contents are now in the local squashfs-root directory).  In
  particular, we did the following comparisons:
** List the /bin folder ("ls -l /bin") and confirm the list of files is the same
   and that the file sizes are similar.
** Check the "strings" output of /bin/busybox to confirm it was similar in both
   places (similar number of lines and content of lines).  One cannot directly
   compare the binaries because the slight compilation variations will cause
   some bits to be different.
** Do the above two steps for /lib/modules, /usr/bin, and other directories with
   a significant number of binaries.

% FIXME: add details about how to compare the kernel binary

\section{Minor Infractions}

As mentioned above, there were a few minor infractions.  These made it slightly
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