Changeset - 2a111432b2d0
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-10-15 23:11:15
Update this situation status.

This situation is still unresolved, but it's not necessarily accurate to
say that negotiations continue per se, since the issue in question is
now widely known by the entire Free Software community and remains an
issue. (It should be obvious to the careful and informed observer what
situation this is.)
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -721,9 +721,7 @@ contains a software-programmable radio transmitter, regulations in (at
least) the USA and Japan prohibit release of those portions of the code
that operate the device. Since this is a low-level programming issue, the
changes to operate the device are a derivative work of the kernel named
Linux. This situation remains unresolved at the time of writing, although
FSF continues to negotiation with Thesulac and the Linux community
regarding the problem.
Linux.  A decade later, this situation remains largely unresolved.

\section{Lessons Learned}

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