Changeset - 11fd5c29ca16
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-11-12 19:02:42
Once sentence here was not redundant.

Most of the pasted text was redundant to the existing guide text, but
one sentence reiterates a useful point in a creative way, so that
sentence is herein integrated into the preceding paragraph.
1 file changed with 6 insertions and 12 deletions:
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@@ -3119,18 +3119,12 @@ portal or web page, even though the access may include links to different
physical servers.  For example, a downstream distributor may provide a link
to an upstream distributor's server and arrange with the operator of that
server to keep the source code available for copying for as long as the
downstream distributor enables access to the object code.  This codifies
formally the typical historical interpretation of GPLv2.

% FIXME-URGENT: integrate

This provision allows, for the first time, for third-party provision of
complete and corresponding source code in commercial distribution
situations. The obligation remains on the party distributing the non-source
form to point prominently (``next to'' the non-source download) to the
third-party source code provisioning server, and to ensure that this
third-party server remains in operation for required period.
downstream distributor enables access to the object code.  Thus,
the obligation remains on the party distributing object code to point
prominently (``next to'' the object code download) to the third-party source
code provisioning server, and to ensure that this third-party server remains
in operation for required period.  This codifies formally the typical
historical interpretation of GPLv2.

% FIXME-LATER: perhaps in enforcement section, but maybe here, note about
% ``slow down'' on source downloads being a compliance problem. 
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